Wednesday, April 23, 2008
After role-play for mid-term test
Your performance made a good impression on us- very natural, very confident…The content was coherent and gave you a chance of using a lot of function such as: making a plan or giving opinion( I think, in my opinion…) or expressing agreement ( I couldn’t agree more…).
Flying kites
Your content was very funny. You had a good preparation in appearance. We think that every member in your group took over the role well. We still remember cunning face of the fortune teller when asking for money and Ms. Hien’s pale face when rushing to the “World Cup”! Although your role-play was a bit long, it was such a good one!
Happy family
Quite different from other groups, your story was concerned about the important issue: polution, and solution for it. You used a lot of appropriate function in giving opinions.
Each of you had a good pronunciation, so we can easily understand your story.
Viva Vietnam
Good pronunciation and intonation are your strong points! The content is a situation which we can face up with after graduation.Thanks!
3snakes and 1cat :
Your romantic story is like a Korean film. I like the scene two lover talking with each other with the song “ Nothing gonna change my love for you”.
All 4 one
Your role-play made us imagine a scene in a thrilling action film. I was really amazed and attracted!
However, at the beginning your voice was not loud enough for us to hear clearly.
About our role-play:
Honestly speaking, we weren’t confident enough in our performance. Moreover we made some mistakes in pronunciation…So the result wasn’t as good as we had expected.
We hope you will remark frankly for us to get experience in the final exam.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
You make an good impression on us about your introduction. Each member of your group has a nickname as lovely as you are!hehe^^
The theories of each lesson are concise and coherent. The background is light, clear enough for everyone to see. Another interesting feature is that you have a small role-play to illustrate for the lesson in which each function is contributed by our classmates. Thanks to this, we can memorize knowledge better.
However, we want to share a small idea about your background: it’s quite simple and not very colorful. In my opinion, you should add some more exciting pictures as well as colorful letters.
F.l.y.i.n.g k.i.t.e.S
One of the most impressive points in your power point is that you know how to use photographs creatively and funnily. We are really attracted by the way you present your slices.
We really appreciate your preparation for the presentation. The theories are quite sufficient and diverse with many functions which are not only in our textbook but also in outside sources. Especially you put a short video into your slices to make them more exciting.
On the other hand, it seems that the time you spend on your presentation is a bit long. Generally speaking, your group had a really good presentation. Thanks.
In brief, our ideas above are our subjective ones after attending the presentation of three groups yesterday. And I hope that you will give your ideas about our presentation next time to make all of us become better. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

link to the photo
Next Wednesday, we are going to present our speaking lessons by using powerpoint program. With its advantages, in my point of view, the atmosphere of that day will be very exciting. Each group will make a great effort to design their lessons. It means that they have to spend time finding information, sounds and pictures as many as possible to illustrate their explanation, which makes each lesson more interesting. Moreover, using powerpoint, students don't spend much time chalking on the board. Therefore, there is more time for practise speaking or other activities instead.
With powerpoint, we can design the lessons into specific sections. So, you can present knowledge on screen step by step, which helps students summarize main ideas more easily and more quickly. Besides, adopting this program, you can also create many exercises to review and check how many percentages of lessons students catch on. For instance, with speaking lessons, we can give students many function exercises to practise. This enables them to memorize longer.
In short, power point is really useful for both teachers and pedagogic students. Therefore, we hope to have many chances of using power point in presentation.
With interesting things powerpont brings, we are really looking for presenting by applying this program on next Wednesday.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Role-plays in speaking class

Playing role contains
some advantages.In my opinion, playing roles is one of the most useful and interesting ways to improve speaking skill because it contains some advantages. Firstly, playing roles makes the atmosphere of class become less strained. Therefore, students are in a good mood to grab knowledge. Role-plays also make the lessons more vivid. As a result, this heps them memorize lessons longer. Secondly, playing role is a group activity, which teaches students how to work in a team effectively. In addition, it offers them a chance to promote their relationship and express solidarity, which improves their friendship as they have an opotunity to understand each other. Thirdly, when given an imaginary situation, students are encouraged to develop both the imagination and the creation. The reason is that they have to create the situations which contains good functions for each context. Through these situations students turn functions into practical and vivid knowledge. This makes each lesson more interesting.
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Several difficulties in playing roles
As you know, not most of sutdents have a natural aptitude to become a good actor or actress. Indeed, roleplay is quite a challenging task because students are bound to be playwrights, directors and actors. It means that they not only create scripts but also play them. Writing a script is not easy for these amateur scriptwritters as a good situation is certainly interesting. But it aslo has to content suitable functions for different situations. For example, you cannot say" HI'' WHEN you meet your teachers or oder people. So, students need to consider carefully when choosing words for their scripts. Writing a situation also requires you to have a lot of vocabulary to turn your thought into words. When having a script, the next thing students have to do is to practice it regulariy. It often includes learning script, playing with each other, and this takes them a lot of time to become smooth.

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Another difficult thing in playing role is to balance between playing role and speaking. MANY students who try to be involved themselves in their situation often forget to take notice of their pronunciation. This makes listeners have difficuties in understanding their story, so the story is less interesting or it cannot draw other students' attraction.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Debating method

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One day, their Speaking teacher request them to create a group’s blog where they can share their knowledge and train their writing skill.
So eager, just after the class, they gather and begin to think about the blog’s name. Uhm…it must be special, meaningful and “splendid” (‘cause they’re all girls!^^).
It is…
“BoRn To ShInE”
with the meaning…
…”What is your dream? You dream to be a teacher or a Miss World, a farmer or a King…whoever you want to be, they’re all wonderful! Dream your dream and live your life your way. Everything will come true- because we are “BORN TO SHINE”!
They are: Thuy Nhien, Thu Hang, Kieu Loan and Truong Thanh Thao.
Hope everyone will enjoy their blog!^^
Friday, February 29, 2008

If someone asks you to define "self-study ", what would you say?
Take any random sample of students, most of them say :"self-study is the activity of learning about something without a teacher to help you". Do you think so? If it is your answer, I'm afraid your definition is only correct in a half and it is high time for you to think over.
In my opinion, self-study is also ready to study at all hours. You are always eager to make a plan for what you will study. And especially, you need to have strong passion for study.

In addition, self-study spirit encourages you to get over difficulties to reach for the stars.Due to strong passion for study, you can put your problem aside and make an effort to get more and more knowledge.Take MAXIM GORKI as an example. Born into a poor family, he had to earn his living when he was twelve. He studied by himself for25 years.Finally, he became a famous writer in the world. Knowledge he had helped him create these invaluble stories. It was life that taught him all.

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Another famous representative for self-study is UNCLE HO. He studied FRENCH on his own. He was so determinded that he could attend VECXAI conference. For several years, he could write many stories in FRENCH.

In this essay, I don't mention how to have an effective self-study. Since each of you can find the best method for yourself.
It is just my subjective point of view. So, I hope you will comment to make it perfect