Wednesday, April 23, 2008

After role-play for mid-term test

Today as planned, we performed our role-play for mid-term test. Each group has their own story which brought us some useful experience as well as amazing feeling.

Your performance made a good impression on us- very natural, very confident…The content was coherent and gave you a chance of using a lot of function such as: making a plan or giving opinion( I think, in my opinion…) or expressing agreement ( I couldn’t agree more…).

Flying kites
Your content was very funny. You had a good preparation in appearance. We think that every member in your group took over the role well. We still remember cunning face of the fortune teller when asking for money and Ms. Hien’s pale face when rushing to the “World Cup”! Although your role-play was a bit long, it was such a good one!

Happy family
Quite different from other groups, your story was concerned about the important issue: polution, and solution for it. You used a lot of appropriate function in giving opinions.
Each of you had a good pronunciation, so we can easily understand your story.

Viva Vietnam
Good pronunciation and intonation are your strong points! The content is a situation which we can face up with after graduation.Thanks!

3snakes and 1cat :
Your romantic story is like a Korean film. I like the scene two lover talking with each other with the song “ Nothing gonna change my love for you”.

All 4 one
Your role-play made us imagine a scene in a thrilling action film. I was really amazed and attracted!
However, at the beginning your voice was not loud enough for us to hear clearly.

About our role-play:
Honestly speaking, we weren’t confident enough in our performance. Moreover we made some mistakes in pronunciation…So the result wasn’t as good as we had expected.

We hope you will remark frankly for us to get experience in the final exam.


Captain Nemo said...

Oh oh. You're the first group to post entry. Hope I am not wrong this time. Uhm... To tell the truth I was also impressed by your performance, too. Especially, when you used cut-outs to illustrate thoughts. I bet you will good very good marks. Don't worry. ^^

3snakesand1cat said...

Your journal is too summary but it is also so sufficient. thanks for your comment about the role play of our group.**********

F.l.y.i.n.G K.i.t.e.S said...

Thanks for your remark. You also try your best on today's roleplay, and you perform very well.

Hang and Nhien with your performance made us impressive. Try to maintain that through the final exam. I hope that you can get the worth mark.

Unknown said...

Uh huh, very brief feedback, quite opposite to the entry on happyfamily. Thanks, but personally speaking, you should try to notice more when you want to give advice. Readers need to know their weak points to improve.